A Fully Accredited Online High School


Online Mathematics Courses


This two-semester preparation course for students on the verge of Algebra I offers rational number theory (including comparing and ordering on a number line), drawing conclusions from statistical data, ratios, proportions and percents, spatial thinking (including congruency, translations, and symmetry), sequences and patterns, and polynomials and functions. Opportunities for development of vital problem-solving skills at the middle school level are also included. These lessons are designed to be integrated into the regular curriculum or may be used as a stand-alone mini-unit course. Learning strategies include writing algebraic expressions, generating patterns, and problem simulations.

Algebra I

This two-semester course provides in-depth coverage of writing, solving and graphing a variety of equations and inequalities, as well as linear systems. Functions are a central theme of the course which includes function notation, domain and range, rate of change, and transformations. Students use the properties of real numbers to explore, justify and simplify numeric and algebraic expressions, including laws of exponents, radicals and rational expressions. Lab activities provide students with opportunities to explore and discover algebraic principles on their own, often prior to the lecture. Students model and solve real world problems using algebra, functions, probability and data analysis. In the Making Connections sections, relevant, project-based learning activities provide students with a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


This two-semester, hands-on, and lecture-based course features an introduction to geometry, including reasoning and proof and basic constructions. Triangle relationships (similarity and congruency) and quadrilaterals enable a student to further hone such concepts as surface area and volume, circles, and transformations. Trigonometry topics include tangent ratios and the Laws of Sine and Cosine. Learning strategies include writing, analyzing, and using proofs.

Algebra II

This two-semester course serves as an extension of Algebra I. This course covers advanced algebraic concepts, including trigonometry, statistical analysis, permutations, and sequences and series. Students learn to manipulate and use matrices in various formats to determine data relationships and also delve into function types such as polynomial, logarithmic, quadratic, exponential, and rational and periodic. Upon completion of Algebra II, students will have the skills needed for state standardized tests and national exit exams.


This two-semester course explores the relationship between advanced algebra topics and trigonometry. An exploration into the nature of graphs (including the twelve basic functions) is provided along with nonlinear systems and polynomial and rational functions. Logarithmic knowledge and application is developed. A large portion of the class focuses on trigonometric graphs and identities. Other topics include vectors, parametric equations, and sequences and series. Students are introduced to calculus by exploring topics of limits, continuity, derivatives, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Math Models and Applications

This two-semester course designed for high school students is intended to reinforce, broaden, and extend the mathematical knowledge and skills acquired in Algebra I. The primary purpose of this course is to use mathematics as a tool to model real-world phenomena students may encounter daily, such as finance and exponential models. The finance topic includes growth, smart money, saving, and installment loan models. Through these various situations, prior mathematical knowledge will be expanded and new mathematical knowledge and techniques will be developed.

Financial Math

This two-semester course designed for high school students focuses on the applications of mathematics in personal and business settings. This course contains 15 major topics: personal financial planning, income, budgeting and wise spending, banking, paying taxes, the importance of insurance, long-term investing, buying a house, consumer loans, consumer credit, consumer debt, economic principles, traveling abroad, starting a business, and analyzing business data. Students apply math skills such as percents, proportions, probability, data analysis, linear systems, exponential functions and formulas to real life situations. In the Making Connections sections, relevant, project-based learning activities provide students with a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Middle School Math Courses

6th Grade Math

This two-semester course focuses on statistics with an in-depth focus on the following: rational number systems (whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals), plane geometry (including measurement and symmetry), introduction to variables and formulas, patterns, simple equations, number theory, probability, and functions. Opportunities for the development of middle school problem-solving skills are also included. These lessons are designed to be integrated into the regular classroom or may be used as a stand-alone mini-unit course. Learning strategies include working backwards, making a table, and creating a pattern.

7th Grade Math

This two-semester course solidifies students’ knowledge of number theory (including fractions, prime factorization, exponents, and percents), proportional reasoning, beginning algebraic concepts (including solving one- and two-step equations containing rational numbers), two-and three-dimensional figures, geometry topics, and an introduction to graphing on a coordinate plane. Opportunities for the development of middle school problem-solving skills are also included. These lessons are designed to be integrated into the regular classroom or may be used as a stand-alone mini-unit course. Learning strategies include writing equations, “try, check, and revise,” and drawing diagrams.